- Third time participating in the rally
- Captain in the cockpit
- Passing a village
- A short stage on the Autobahn
- Heading for the next checkpoint
- Congestion?
- Encounter: Glas scrapyard in Bensheim
- Passengers in Dreieich
- Arrival at Mannheim water tower
- Hockenheim: Michael Schumacher will be here next weekend
- Entering the Hockenheimring race track
- Bad Wimpfen: Glas driver gives a welcome
- Bridge over river Neckar in Hessigheim
- Car service at Mechatronik company in Pleidelsheim
- What a contrast: lunch hour in Schwaebisch-Gmuend
- Congestion in Wuerzburg city
- Spectators everywhere
- Arrival at Augustusplatz in Leipzig
- Cobble stone pavement again
- Bad Koesen in the Saale-Unstrut area
- Lunch break and special trial at Heidepark Soltau
- Bremen: passing the night in the fairground
- In historic Tecklenburg city
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